Monday, March 19, 2012

High Blood Pressure Prognostic

Prognosis and evolution of high blood pressure depends on the maximum and minimum values, and the early detection of hypertension. Experience shows that the on various medical examinations at least 20% of those examined do not know they have hypertension, even in high values. This obligation to control blood pressure at least once a year, even in the absence of any disturbances.

Specify a permanent hypertension is an important fact for the patient, except as secondary hypertension are only 10% of cases and some of them curable vast majority of cases (90%) are essential hypertension, though not certain why is a disease influenced and improved with hypotensive medication.

Untreated essential hypertension is known as a risk factor that favors localization and worsening of atherosclerosis, training cardiac complications (ischemic cardiomyopathy), stroke, stenosis of carotid or lower limbs (arthritis).It is reported that 50% of hypertensive heart disease patients and patients with myocardial infarction have been frequently known to have hypertension. Epidemiological studies show that 2% of hypertensive die of some sort of heart disease and 20% die of cases of hemorrhage or brain stroke.

Coexistence with other risk factors as smoking, obesity, fat metabolism disorders, atherosclerosis uricemia increased to accelerate the evolution of hypertension. One danger is increased pressure during evolution is very dangerous if the minimum exceeds 105-110 mmHg by echo that it has on the arteries. There is a form of malignant hypertension with high pressure over 120-130 mmHg minimum characterized by rapid evolution to heart complications, brain or kidney. It can sometimes complicate an essential hypertension. Fortunately, new antihypertensive medications have changed favorable evolution of malignant hypertension.

Of course after a specified hypertension and an appropriate therapy, hypertensive patients should regularly examine their blood pressure. Research of blood pressure is still dictated by the disease and antihypertensive medication knowledge efficiency. Lately patients measure their own blood pressure with blood pressure monitors.

Is blood pressure monitor beneficial for the patient? Of course, blood pressure auto measure provides advice on the effectiveness of some antihypertensive medications, and these checks patients become more aware and more responsible for their disease. It was found however that the figures found by the patient are always lower than those found by the doctor, or hypertension during continuous activity that is exposed to risks. Measuring your own blood pressure may be allowed with the recommendation, not to become obsessive or repetitive gesture like shaving in the morning. Measured values shuld be controlled by the physician.


Modern Display said...
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Modern Display said...

There are various kinds of home Blood pressure monitor, but before purchasing choose that one which is easiest to use or it must be fully automatic & that gives you the best results.

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